
Search the way you think the name is written (Soundex)

  1. Algita Hoel
  2. Anne Kathrine Hoel
  3. Øyvind Steinback Hoel
  4. Edna Kjellrun Hoel
  5. Erik Kristoffer Hoel
  6. Erling Otto Hoel
  7. Espen Willassen Hoel
  8. Hanne Hoel
  9. Ingrid Margrethe Østlyng Hoel
  10. Irene Hoel
  11. Knut Elias Hoel
  12. Martin Hoel
  13. Roger Hoel
  14. Siri Hoel
  15. Svein Arnfinn Hoel
  16. Torill Steinback Hoel
  17. Truls Terje Hoel